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FlightMemory all users last 24h  

  Details Airline: American Airlinesback to community

Flight Distances


Flight Time




FlightMemory Poster

In Miles59,853
In Kilometer96,325
Earth Circumnavigation 2.40 time(s)
Distance to the Moon0.251 time(s)
Distance to the Sun0.0006 time(s)
Hours  128:53
Months 0.18
Total number of flights  35
Intra-continental w/o domestic 4
Other flights0

Longest Flight (Distance): 6,523 mi, 12:05 h, Auckland (International) - Los Angeles (International), 12-21-2024
Longest Flight (Duration):12:05 h, 6,523 mi, Auckland (International) - Los Angeles (International), 12-21-2024
Shortest Flight:  122 mi, 1:07 h, Chicago (O'Hare) - Kalamazoo (Battle Creek International), 12-20-2024
Average per Flight: 1,710 mi, 3:41 h

Domestic Flights


Top Ten Airports

#Airport Amount %
1 DFW Dallas/Fort Worth  10  14.3 %
2 CLT Charlotte  8  11.4 %
3 MIA Miami  6  8.6 %
4 ORD Chicago  5  7.1 %
5 LAX Los Angeles  3  4.3 %
6 BCN Barcelona  2  2.9 %
7 TPA Tampa  2  2.9 %
8 LHR London  2  2.9 %
9 JFK New York  2  2.9 %
10 PHX Phoenix  2  2.9 %

Top Ten Airlines

#Airline Amount %
1 American Airlines  35  100.0 %

Top Ten Aircraft

#Airplane Amount %
1 Airbus A320 Family  10  28.6 %
2 Boeing 737  8  22.9 %
3 Canadair  4  11.4 %
4 Boeing 777  3  8.6 %
5 Embraer  2  5.7 %
6 Boeing 787  1  2.9 %

Top Ten Routes

#FlightPath Amount %
1 BCN-MIA  2  5.7 %
2 FRA-DFW  1  2.9 %
3 EGE-DFW  1  2.9 %
4 PHX-BFL  1  2.9 %
5 LHR-CLT  1  2.9 %
6 AKL-LAX  1  2.9 %
7 CLT-DTW  1  2.9 %
8 MIA-NAS  1  2.9 %
9 DFW-SHV  1  2.9 %
10 BOI-PHX  1  2.9 %

Additional Data

Total Airports 38
Total Airlines 1
Total Aircraft type  19
Total Airplanes 16
Total Routes 34
Total Countries 10

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Airplane Model - Iberia - Boeing 757-200 - 1/200
Iberia - Boeing 757-200 - 1/200
Airplane Model - Iron Maiden - Boeing 757-200 - 1/250
Iron Maiden - Boeing 757-200 - 1/250
Airplane Model - Air New Zealand - All Blacks - Boeing 777-300ER - 1/200
Air New Zealand - All Blacks - Boeing 777-300ER - 1/200