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FlightMemory TopAirlines last 7 days  

  Details Airline: Delta Air Linesback to community

Flight Distances


Flight Time




FlightMemory Poster

In Miles1,498,617
In Kilometer2,411,791
Earth Circumnavigation 60.18 time(s)
Distance to the Moon6.274 time(s)
Distance to the Sun0.0161 time(s)
Hours  3446:37
Months 4.79
Total number of flights  992
Intra-continental w/o domestic 0
Other flights965

Longest Flight (Distance): 13,105 km, 15:04 h, Cape Town (International) - Atlanta (Hartsfield - Jackson Int.), 26.11.2024
Longest Flight (Duration):16:05 h, 11,500 km, Atlanta (Hartsfield - Jackson Int.) - Seoul (Incheon), 05.12.2024
Shortest Flight:  122 km, 0:44 h, Minneapolis (Saint Paul International) - Rochester (Municipal), 11.12.2024
Average per Flight: 2,431 km, 3:28 h

Domestic Flights


Top Ten Airports

#Airport Amount %
1 ATL Atlanta  406  20.5 %
2 MSP Minneapolis  158  8.0 %
3 DTW Detroit  105  5.3 %
4 JFK New York  104  5.2 %
5 SLC Salt Lake City  85  4.3 %
6 LAX Los Angeles  82  4.1 %
7 SEA Seattle  71  3.6 %
8 LGA New York  53  2.7 %
9 MCO Orlando  47  2.4 %
10 LAS Las Vegas  42  2.1 %

Top Ten Airlines

#Airline Amount %
1 Delta Air Lines  992  100.0 %

Top Ten Aircraft

#Airplane Amount %
1 Airbus A320 Family  239  24.1 %
2 Boeing 737  167  16.8 %
3 Boeing 757  97  9.8 %
4 Airbus A330  81  8.2 %
5 Boeing 717  61  6.1 %
6 Canadair  56  5.6 %
7 Embraer  48  4.8 %
8 Boeing 767  43  4.3 %
9 Airbus A350  33  3.3 %
10 Airbus A220  24  2.4 %

Top Ten Routes

#FlightPath Amount %
1 DCA-ATL  8  0.8 %
2 SLC-ATL  7  0.7 %
3 ATL-MCO  7  0.7 %
4 MCO-ATL  7  0.7 %
5 MSP-DTW  7  0.7 %
6 ATL-DCA  7  0.7 %
7 JFK-AMS  7  0.7 %
8 SLC-LAS  6  0.6 %
9 JAX-ATL  6  0.6 %
10 ATL-MIA  6  0.6 %

Additional Data

Total Airports 160
Total Airlines 1
Total Aircraft type  148
Total Airplanes 398
Total Routes 574
Total Countries 45

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