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Welcome at the FlightMemory shop for aviation products

We offer all sorts of aviation related products - from airplane models in many scales, key rings with aviation related inscriptions, lanyards with aviation related inscriptions or as a documentation about an aircraft up to great ideas for gifts for anyone who loves aviation.

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Key rings
Key rings
Gift ideas
Gift ideas

Most used searchwords: B747B777A380B787DeltaQantasContinentalEmiratesSingaporeLufthansaAir BerlinSwiss

Actual Category: Gift ideas

Gift ideas: Emirates A380 Toyplain as Magnet

Gift ideas: Emirates A380 Toyplain as Magnet

Price: 16.95 EUR

Fridge Magnet
16 cm (6.3 inch) x 15 cm (5.9 inch) x 3 cm (1.2 inch)

Gift ideas: Inflatable Airbus A380

Gift ideas: Inflatable Airbus A380

Price: 19.95 EUR

Airbus A380 to blow up
Length ca. 115 cm / 45 inch
Wingspan ca. 140 cm / 55 inch

Gift ideas: Inflatable Lufthansa Airbus A380

Gift ideas: Inflatable Lufthansa Airbus A380

Price: 21.95 EUR

Lufthansa Airbus A380 to blow up
Length ca. 115 cm / 45 inch
Wingspan ca. 140 cm / 55 inch

Gift ideas: Rubber Duck - Pilot

Gift ideas: Rubber Duck - Pilot

Price: 8.95 EUR

Rubber Duck - Pilot

Gift ideas: Rubber Duck - Stewardess

Gift ideas: Rubber Duck - Stewardess

Price: 8.95 EUR

Rubber Duck - Stewardess

Gift ideas: The aviation paper clips - shaped like an airplane - 40 clips in a tin box

Gift ideas: The aviation paper clips - shaped like an airplane - 40 clips in a tin box

Price: 11.95 EUR

The aviation kind of paper clip - 40 clips formed as an airplane to bundle your papers in a true aviation style. And their nicely boxed in a tin can, too.
One clip is ca. 3.5 cm (1.4 in.) wide and ca. 3.5 cm (1.4 in.) long.
Size tin box: approx. 7.6 cm (3 in.) in diameter, height of approx. 4 cm (1.6 in.)
All prices include VAT excluding costs for shipping and handling which differs according to your address.

